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Donvesh – Agency Cashflow Roadmap Download

Donvesh – Agency Cashflow Roadmap Download

Donvesh – Agency Cashflow Roadmap Download

Donvesh – Agency Cashflow Roadmap Download

You don’t want another course.
You want consistent cashflow.

Get the Roadmap that took me from my college class all

the way to consistent $25K+ months.

If an 18 year old kid from India like me can do it, so can you.

Module 1 – The Basics
✅ Golden Research Strategies, to find that information prospects HAVE TO react to

✅ An Experts Landing Page to easily convince prospects you’re the real deal

✅ A Pricing Calculator to generate the maximum amount to charge

Module 2 – Zero to First Client
✅ The Unshakeable Niche-Finding Formula to help you KNOW the most profitable niche for you

✅ 3 Hooking Scripts to get your first client when you have 0 results or experience

✅ Platinum Positioning Plays to EASILY get your first client without any testimonials, case studies, or referrals

Module 3 – From 1 Client to $10k/month
✅ The Fake Video Audit Method which gets INSANE reply rates

✅ My personal “Embarrassing truth” Client Attraction Script

✅ High-Leverage Systems & processes that let you complete tasks on autopilot, while you focus on what actually matters without the stress of constant chaos

✅ Client Retention Systems to keep them paying, month after month

Module 4 – $10k to $25k per month
✅ An Irresistible Deal Structure prospects have a hard time saying no to

✅ Natural-looking Email Drip Campaigns, to separate yourself from the competition who use basic copy paste scripts

✅ Referral Partnerships to skyrocket your leads


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