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Amazon FBA Course 2019 – Ultimate Amazon FBA Blueprint Download

Amazon FBA Course 2019 – Ultimate Amazon FBA Blueprint Download
What you’ll learn
  • Have a full understanding of how to launch your first FBA business profitably in the absolute shortest period of time
  • Completely understand how the Amazon A9 ranking algorithm works

  • Have a very clear and concise map of how to start from nothing, and by the end of 6 weeks have a 5 figure per month business

  • Know how to calculate every cost associated with running an Amazon business
  • Master the art of product selection with a never before seen formula
  • Feel confident when interacting with Chinese suppliers. Understanding the common language and negotiating skills.
  • Tactics on how to manage cashflow and maximize your profits from day one
  • YOU GET: My winning supplier email templates
  • YOU GET: My winning post purchase email sequence that gets you verified 5 star reviews on automation
  • YOU GET: My winning product selection formula that gives you a high odds chance of being able to generate $5k per month in PROFIT
  • YOU GET: My extremely detailed product launch process that ensures high page one rankings if executed
  • YOU GET: My proven keyword research methods and listing optimization process
  • YOU GET: All of my money systems that are all replicat-able and duplicat-able for product after product.
  • Basic computer knowledge. No tech savvy skills are required. Just a stable internet connection and a general knowledge of how to navigate a google doc, or excel spreadsheet

If your goal is to have the knowledge of the top 1% sellers on Amazon then you’re in the right place. This course was thoughtfully crafted with the goal of providing the latest and greatest marketing tactics and ways to scale your business. The truth of the matter is that 90% of what people tend to obsess over has little to no impact. Minor things such as “do I have the right brand name??” or “OMG you’re telling me I have to talk to a Chinese supplier overseas!!” or “my logo isn’t very good, will I sell any units?!”

So what are the 10% of things in this business that carry 90% of the weight? The answer is quite clear:

  1. Choosing the right product
  2. Finding the right supplier for that product and knowing how to negotiate
  3. Creating a highly optimized product listing that is both keyword rich and highly attractive to our buyers at the same time
  4. Launching that product with almost 100% certainty that you’re going to achieve high rankings in the search results
  5. Setting up Amazon PPC (sponsored ads)
  6. Sustaining your product rankings utilizing other traffic sources besides Amazon
  7. Understanding cash-flow

If you were to stop me in the street and tell me: “Pete, cut the crap and just give me the EXACT steps needed to start this business the right way and have the highest odds of generating a full time income in the shortest period of time, the above 7 statements is what would come out of my mouth. Luckily for you, this is exactly what I’m going to cover in depth with this course. Watch as I spill the beans and leave no stone un-turned. Time to unveil the curtain behind my multiple 6 figure Amazon FBA business and show you what works in the real world.








WARNING: You may have to go back and watch several of the videos 2, 3, 4, or 5 even times over again. Why? because some of the concepts are quite advanced.

Who this course is for:
  • Complete beginners AND advanced Amazon sellers. This course contains a unique combination of basic level insights, meshed with very advanced tactics.


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